
Posted by NO-one | 6:28 PM | 0 comments »


When we mention name Nokia, we all already knew it was a hand phone or mobile phone. Nokia is one of the famous company that manufactured their own product. Where ever we go, we can see people like to use it no matter about their age, from children till a grandma will use it. From years ago, Nokia still have their own market until now.They will compete with other mobile phone manufacturer like Samsung, Sony Ericsson, Motorola, etc. They will upgrade from time to time along with the rapid changing of the technology. Every year, as we can see, they will launch their latest product with new features.They will improved their product with form time to time such as from GSM to 3G features, from black and white screen into colour screen, from push button into touch screen, etc. Thats why nokia still have their own loyal customer. They will try their best to fulfill customer need with the latest technology. Me, as one of their loyal customer will always support them by buy their product.

Among biggest market leader of mobile phone manufacturer, the most features has by Nokia is their freindly user. From their 1st model untill their latest mobile phone, they still keep friendly user it as main features. What we can see is, no matter how old are you, it really easy to use it. They arranged thier mobile phone keypads,buttons, functions simple and easy to use.

Nokia have been proved that their product mobile phone are friendly user. Believe it or not? Believe it yourself.